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Learning mission Nº2

Welcome again to my new post! I hope you have enjoyed the previous one where I turned a flat activity into a super learning mission. It's time now to create another one also based in the Project Based Learning (PBL). The difference now is that I have made this mission in collaboration with my classmate María José since we have chosen the same collaborative project "The ESL Times" and in this way we save time and effort and the ideas are double. We think that our new learning mission fit in "The ESL Times" since students work in cooperative groups, they use the English through the four skills as they:

- Read while they are looking for information on the net.

- Write to put in order all the information got.

- Listen in the classroom when their classmates explain their types of pollution.

- Speak when they have to present their mission.

Furthermore, with these four skills students also develop the following key competences:

· Learning to learn competence

· Digital competence

· Social and civic competence

· Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

The first thing done was mix our topics: Landscapes and The weather and think a possible mission that could be carried out, keeping in mind that this mission should have a connection with the real world and should draw the attention of the students. So, the idea chosen was: Pollution because it is a general term which involves the damage of the landscapes and the changes of the weather.

Mixing projects by Paula and María José

The steps the students have to complete are the following ones:

1 - Choose one type of pollution and look for the causes and effects of contamination and the way they affect to the landscape and the weather. Write and collect all the information on Google Docs in this way all the students in your group could see what each other have found.

2- Once you have chosen the type of pollution and you have all the information you need to be almost an expert in the topic, you have to create a presentation using Emaze explaining the key points.

3 - Then the best part, you have to create a comic which represent the causes and effect of the type of pollution you have chosen with Pixton.

4 - Finally, you have to present to your classmates why you have chosen this type of pollution and present the comic to them.

All of these are the instructions to complete the mission but now we have to highlight the goals which are as important as the instructions or even more important.

Goals by Paula and María José


We have chosen air pollution, in particular the Acid Rain. First of all, we have created the presentation with Emaze explaining the key points.

Air Pollution by Paula and María José

Secondly, we have used Pixton to create the comic which represent the cause and effect of the air pollution.

Acid rain comic by Paula and María José

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