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Prototype a CLIL Open Educational Digital Project


The new goal is create a CLIL Open Educational Digital Project, I have chosen "Landscapes" as the main topic of my CLIL Project. It is a content that we can find in the subject of Social Science. The project has been created for students of 2º grade of Primary Education.

The students have to do different types of activities in order to complete the final task which is create their own postcard. The majority of the activites are designed to complete them in pairs or small groups since I believe that work with someone else appart from you is very enriching. While they are working and completing the activities they are learning new vocabulary and structures without realising.

You can see below the template of the prototype of my CLIL project. I have done it in Microsof Office Word then I converted the file into a PDF and I upload it on Slideshare so I could embed it here without problems.

Once I have completed the template I begin with the video using WeVideo, some images are taken and edit in Canva and other are made with the draw editor of Google Drive. Here you have the result, I hope you like it:

And with that I have finished part 1

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