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After doing Learning Mission Nº1 and Learning Mission Nº2 , it's time to create a tool to check if the progress of the students have been good and they have learned the main aspects we wanted to while they are doing these missions.
I have decided to evaluate Learning Mission Nº1, if you can remember through this mission students have to search for information about a beautiful place, the activities that can be done there, the disponibility for acommodation, the means of transport available... Finally, they must create a flyer with all the information.
Teachers usually evaluate the students with exams or poster. However, what is the point of assess only with an exam or a final task and not taking into account the process of searching, planning, selecting... that students followed in order to do the final outcome? For this reason, I have chosen the rubric as tool for assessment. It consists of three main elements:
1. Aspects that the teacher want to evaluate.
2. The description of each aspect that is going to be assessed.
3. A numerical scale, from 1 to 4 where each mark is fully described for the students to know what to keep in mind.
The aspects that are going to be evaluated have direct connection with the goal established on the mission, that are the followings:

So keeping in mind those goals I have designed the rubric with a tool called Quick Rubric. There are a lot of tools for designing rubrics and initially I didn't know which of them I should use. I have to say that I chose Quick Rubric since you only have to fill in a table and order it in the way you want, it is a practical, ease and quick way to create an evaluation rubric. Moreover, the application assigns numbers too in case the teacher want to mark above 60 and not use 1-4 scale.
It has to be said that I have had a look at other webpage of rubrics called Teachnology in order to know how to organise and what to write on the rubric because as it is the first time I have created a rubric I was not very sure about the information I should include on it. This webpage has helped me a lot.
Here you have the rubric:

Rubric by Paula
So as you can see, the items that the rubric assesses are in relation with the goal:
· Content knowledge - the knowledge students have about landscape and the description of them.
· Organization - plan the information search and the layout of the flyer.
· Creativity - the information and the flyers stand out beyond others.
· Effort - the degree of enthusiasm the students have while they are doing the mission.
· Mechanics - the mistakes they have made.
Creating rubrics is a good way of evaluating the process that students done while they are doing any kind of activity that involves follow several steps, it would motivate them since they will feel that all the aspects of the work have a value. And what is probably most important is that the teacher can't make up the results because they should follow the rubric.